I Ran Away From Home, Started Selling Matches On The Streets – MSA Animation stories

In this inspiring blog, Aella, the oldest MSA girl, shares her remarkable story of overcoming adversity and finding hope in the darkest of times. Growing up in the 1970s, Aella and her family faced poverty, loss, and family turmoil, but through it all, they never lost their determination to build a better life. Join us as we explore Aella’s journey, filled with heartbreak, friendship, and the relentless pursuit of a brighter future.

What was your childhood like?

My childhood was a mix of joy and hardship. There was a time when my family was happy and content, but it was overshadowed by the struggles we faced due to poverty and family turmoil. We often went hungry, and our living conditions were far from ideal. However, there were also moments of love, laughter, and playful times with my loving parents and brother.

What happened that changed your family’s situation?

Financial Setback

Our family’s situation took a drastic turn when my father faced a financial setback. He was scammed, and we lost everything. This event led to a significant shift in our family dynamics and financial stability.

Desperate Measures

With dwindling resources and no clear path forward, my father resorted to selling off our belongings, including my mother’s jewelry and our toys. The desperation to make ends meet led to difficult decisions that impacted our family deeply.

Entering the Workforce

As traditional sources of income dried up, my father made the difficult decision to explore unconventional means to support the family. This led to the suggestion of me joining the workforce at a young age, an idea that initially shocked and worried me.

How did your family cope after the changes?

After Mom left, our family dynamic shifted significantly. Dad became angrier, and we tried not to bother him. Despite the challenges, Dad insisted that Lucio and I continue our education while also working to support the family. We didn’t talk about Mom, but we always held onto hope that she would come back. Dad worked cleaning shoes, and Lucio and I sold matches to earn money. Despite the hardships, we tried to remain positive and supportive of each other.

What was it like selling matches on the streets?

Lucio and I sold matches after school, walking through neighborhoods to sell our products. At the end of the day, we would meet at the grocery store to see if we could buy any food. Our earnings were limited, but we managed to save for one or sometimes two meals a day, which felt like a significant accomplishment for us. Despite the challenges, we tried to maintain a positive outlook on life.

How did you find shelter from the cold?

As I was walking around the upper-class neighborhood selling my matches, I encountered a horrible cold. In a stroke of luck, I found a huge garage of a house that provided much-needed warmth. However, my relief was short-lived as people started approaching. I was caught hiding among the cars by a girl, and her initial expression was quite intimidating. After explaining my situation, she offered to warm myself by the fireplace at her house, which turned out to be a mansion. Despite knowing I couldn’t stay long, this act of kindness was a pivotal moment in my journey.

How did you meet your new friend Cello?

After finding shelter in Cello’s house, she gave me a tour, and I was struck by the warmth and grandeur of her home. As I prepared to leave, Cello surprised me by offering a job as a cleaner, despite her mother’s disapproval. This opportunity not only provided me with a stable income but also a newfound friendship. Cello’s act of kindness and generosity transformed my life in ways I never could have imagined.

What was your relationship with Cello like?

After finding shelter in Cello’s house, she gave me a tour, and I was struck by the warmth and grandeur of her home. As I prepared to leave, Cello surprised me by offering a job as a cleaner, despite her mother’s disapproval. This opportunity not only provided me with a stable income but also a newfound friendship. Cello’s act of kindness and generosity transformed my life in ways I never could have imagined.

What was your plan to escape your situation?

Discussing the Escape Plan

When Cello and I discussed the idea of escaping our difficult situations, I initially hesitated, fearing the consequences and risks involved. However, as Cello expressed her desire to escape and offered to help, my perspective began to shift, and the prospect of freedom became increasingly appealing.

Seeking Lucio’s Approval

After Cello and I agreed on the plan, I approached my brother, Lucio, to discuss our escape. Although he initially expressed concerns about potential repercussions, we ultimately decided that taking this chance was our only opportunity to break free from the oppressive environment we had endured for so long.

Executing the Plan

With Cello’s assistance, we diligently saved money and meticulously planned our escape. After securing the necessary funds and carefully orchestrating our departure, I purchased train tickets to Sweden, marking the beginning of our journey towards a new life, filled with hope and the promise of a brighter future.

What happened when you tried to run away?

As the day for our escape arrived, we carefully planned our departure, disguising our intentions by telling our respective guardians that we were heading to work and the mall. However, our carefully constructed plan quickly unraveled when a woman confronted us at the train station, accusing us of attempting to run away from home. In a desperate attempt to evade the authorities, we fled the scene, seeking refuge and contemplating our next move.

Confrontation with Authorities

Amidst the chaos at the train station, we found ourselves confronted by a woman and a policeman, both questioning our motives and actions. The fear of being caught and the uncertainty of the consequences loomed over us, adding to the intensity of the situation.

Disappointment and Loss of Hope

Upon returning home, we were met with the harsh reality of our failed escape attempt. Our hopes dashed, our savings discovered and confiscated, and the chilling winter setting in, we grappled with the overwhelming sense of defeat and despair. The realization that our dream of freedom had been shattered left us feeling utterly defeated and despondent.

How did you cope after your failed escape attempt?

Following the failed escape, the daunting challenges and harsh realities of our situation weighed heavily on us. Despite the setback, we were determined to persevere and find a way to navigate the difficult circumstances we found ourselves in.

Reconciliation and Resilience

In the aftermath of our failed escape, my brother and I faced the harsh truth of our circumstances and the strain it placed on our relationship. Despite the tension and disappointment, we sought solace in each other’s company, silently vowing to endure the hardships and uncertainties that lay ahead.

Holding onto Hope

Despite the overwhelming sense of despair, we clung to the hope that we could still find a way to improve our situation. The resilience and determination to persevere through adversity remained a guiding force as we navigated the challenges that followed our failed escape attempt.

What happened on the night you almost gave up?

As I desperately lit my matches for warmth, I saw fleeting visions of my family, including my brother Lucio and my friend Cello. But it was when I lit all my matches at once that I saw a heartwarming vision of my family enjoying a meal together. In that moment, I felt a sense of belonging and love, but the vision quickly faded, leaving me in tears. As I succumbed to the cold and exhaustion, I closed my eyes, unsure of what would happen next.

How did your story end?

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a cozy room, tucked in a comfortable bed. To my relief, Lucio was by my side, assuring me that I was safe. Despite my worries, he shared the news of his new job, which filled me with hope for our future. His words of reassurance and optimism reminded me that we would overcome our hardships together and shine brighter than ever. Despite the challenges we faced, I held onto the belief that our resilience and determination would lead us to a brighter tomorrow.