I Decided To Become A Nice Person, My Incredible Journey – MSA Animation stories

In this blog, we follow the inspiring story of Hope, a young girl who decides to become a kinder person after witnessing the isolation of a new student, Maya. Through a series of events, Hope learns valuable lessons about the true meaning of kindness and how it can transform not only her own life, but the lives of those around her.

What led you to want to become a kinder person?

As I reflect on my journey towards becoming a kinder person, it all started when a new student, Maya, joined our class in fifth grade. Witnessing her loneliness and isolation made me realize the impact of unkindness. It sparked a desire within me to make a positive difference in the lives of others, leading me to embark on a journey of kindness and compassion.

How did you first try to put kindness into action?

With the lessons of kindness resonating in my heart, I encountered a lost and confused boy on my way home from school. Recalling the teachings of my teacher, Miss Albert, I decided to extend a helping hand to the boy named Jake. Taking him to my house and offering him assistance not only brought a sense of fulfillment but also marked the beginning of my efforts to actively practice kindness in my everyday interactions.

What was your family’s reaction when you tried to help a stranger?

When I brought Jake home and tried to help him, my parents were in the middle of an argument. They were shocked and concerned when they saw us. My mother was particularly worried and expressed fear about the situation, questioning the safety of helping a stranger. Despite their initial reaction, I was determined to help Jake and took him to my room, despite my mother’s concerns.

How did your past experiences with your mother shape your views on kindness?

My mother’s behavior and attitude, particularly her self-centered nature, had a significant impact on my perception of kindness. From a young age, I observed her prioritizing her career and social image over my emotional needs, making me feel invisible and unimportant. Her lack of empathy and consideration for others taught me the importance of being kind and compassionate, and how it can deeply affect someone’s well-being. This experience motivated me to strive for kindness and empathy, aiming to create a positive impact on those around me.

What was your friendship with Jake like, and how did it evolve over time?

My friendship with Jake began when he was new in town and didn’t have much. Despite my mom’s disapproval, I enjoyed spending time with him and felt like I was becoming a nicer person. I kept our friendship a secret from my best friends, Kendra and Sophie, as they hadn’t changed and were still mean. We agreed to act like strangers at school until I felt brave enough to openly be his friend. However, things took a turn when Kendra and Sophie became interested in Jake and started using him for their own gain. I tried to warn Jake, but he distanced himself from me and grew closer to them, leading to a strained friendship between us.

How did you try to intervene when Jake started spending time with the popular girls?

When I saw Jake being used by Kendra and Sophie, I tried to warn him that he was worth more than being used like that. However, he didn’t listen and chose to continue being with them. Feeling desperate, I confronted him and offered to give him money to stop hanging out with them, but he saw it as me being ashamed to have someone like him as a friend. The situation left our friendship strained, and I felt torn between loyalty to Jake and my fear of ruining my image in front of my popular friends.

What happened when your mother announced she was getting divorced?

That night, my mother came to my room and informed me about her decision to divorce my dad and leave in the morning. She offered me the option to live with her, although she anticipated my response. After she left, I buried my head in the pillow, feeling frustrated but determined not to shed tears. I resolved to take matters into my own hands and teach everyone a lesson the next day.

How did you confront Jake about his behavior, and how did he respond?

When I saw Jake the next morning, I threatened to ask my dad to stop paying for his school if he continued hanging out with Kendra and Sophie. Jake’s response was dismissive, and he mentioned involving Kendra and Sophie in the situation. However, when I pushed further, Jake confronted me, expressing that my actions were selfish and wrong. He appreciated my previous help but requested that I refrain from speaking to him for the time being.

What happened when you tried to get advice from your former friends Kendra and Sophie?

When I approached Kendra and Sophie for advice, I found them laughing and chatting. I expressed my frustration and confronted them about their treatment of Jake. Their response was dismissive, and they justified their actions by stating that Jake was just a nice guy who offered to help, and they compensated him for it. They also insinuated that I was ashamed of having a less fortunate friend and suggested that I had a crush on Jake.

How did your past experiences with your mother shape your views on kindness?

My mother’s behavior and attitude, particularly her self-centered nature, had a significant impact on my perception of kindness. From a young age, I observed her prioritizing her career and social image over my emotional needs, making me feel invisible and unimportant. Her lack of empathy and consideration for others taught me the importance of being kind and compassionate, and how it can deeply affect someone’s well-being. This experience motivated me to strive for kindness and empathy, aiming to create a positive impact on those around me.